Read: Romans 6:1-13 and your notes from Sunday morning’s sermon.


Intro: Roman’s chapter 6 picks up mid argument as Paul explains the need for the gospel in previous chapters. Paul knew that a common objection that might arise to those reading his letter, is one that we still see brought up today: Why do we need to stop sining if we can just be forgiven? Maybe we don’t explicitly ask this, but many people go through this very thought process. Paul makes it clear that the Romans are actually slaves to their own sin. 



  1. What does it look like to be a slave to sin in today’s culture?


2. Did the depravity you imagined include only BIG obvious sin like sexual immorality, drug abuse, and murder? 


3. Slavery to sin can often times look like freedom to OURSELVES. Reflect on this for a moment. What does this freedom to ourselves look like?


4. Are some of the things you wrote down above actually just sin that is culturally accepted?


Feel free to discuss or ask additional questions as they arise


Spiritual Practice: We are currently focusing on the spiritual discipline of submission. Reflect on a time over the past week or two where you have resisted being in submission (to god, your spouse, your parents, your boss, etc) Reflect on what influences around you might lead you to believe that submission alone is a negative thing. Romans 6:10-11 says: “The death he died, he died to sin once and for all; but the life he lives, he lives for God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.”  Jesus did not die just to make us free to ourselves. He freed us from our old master: sin, and gave us a new one: God. This week, go out of your way to be obedient to God. In what ways can you submit to Him that you are not currently doing, or are not doing well? 


Closing verse:  Romans 6:13 – “Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.”