
Read Matthew 8:23-34, 9:1-8 and your notes from Sunday morning’s sermon.


This week we covered three accounts that point to the authority and power of Jesus. All three of these accounts are told not just by Matthew but also by Luke and John. Jesus stops a violent storm, heals a demon-possessed man, and forgives a paralytic man of sin as well as gives him the ability to walk. All of these accounts show the great authority that Jesus has. It also shines a light on the healing that can come when you encounter Jesus and when you follow Him.




  1. Consider the first account of Jesus calming the storm. Do you ever feel it is difficult to trust Jesus’ authority over your life fully when you aren’t in control of a situation? 
  2. Have you ever tried to fix a part of yourself but come up short no matter how hard you try? Do you believe some things can only be fixed with the help of God? If so, do you act as though you believe it or do you still rely on your strength/willpower?
  3. Are you a person who struggles with needing to be in control? How would it feel to relinquish control over your life and allow Jesus to be the Lord of your life? 

Feel free to discuss or ask additional questions as they arise


Spiritual Practice: This week we are focusing on the spiritual practice of submission. We learned this week that it is important to let go of control and allow Jesus to be the lord of your life. In practice of this, we will begin and end each day with this prayer: 

“God, I surrender to the truth that I belong to you by letting go of self-reliance. I surrender to your care for my whole life by relinquishing worry over things I cannot control. I surrender to your timing and I submit my life to you.”


 Closing Verse: Psalm 91:1-2 “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’”