Vision Sunday – Discipleship


Read John 14:23-27 and your notes from Sunday morning’s sermon.



We are starting a brand new series on discipleship and what that looks like for followers of Jesus. This past Sunday we had an overview of what that journey looks like and over the next few weeks we will break down how exactly we can do that as we study being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing as He did. In our teachings, we have talked a lot about how Jesus came to show us how to live not just to help us get into heaven. Apprenticeship to Jesus brings transformation so that we can follow Jesus here and now, just as his disciples did.

In this series, we are excited to explore how Jesus’ teachings and lifestyle can bring about the abundant life that He offers. We will come back again and again to this idea of being set on the path of Jesus or following the path of Jesus. Jesus lived a life in a specific way for a reason – because His way leads to life, for anyone who chooses to follow.




  1. This past week we talked a lot about vision, what kind of vision do you believe God has for your life?
  2. What are you most looking forward to learning more about this series? Being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, or doing what Jesus did?
  3. What does a transformed life mean to you? Have you experienced any sort of transformation so far in your journey following Jesus?


Feel free to discuss or ask additional questions as they arise


Spiritual Practice:  


We have looked at a few examples of solitude over the past few weeks, as we enter into a new series of following Jesus, this is the perfect time to begin practicing it ourselves.  We understand from the countless examples in the bible that solitude can bring clarity and peace and that God often speaks to us in those moments when we are still, silent, and paying attention. Jesus modeled this lifestyle to us as He lived in an ongoing cycle of retreating to solitude and then returning to daily life. This wasn’t because Jesus was an introvert, or because it happened to be convenient to go be in solitude and pray. It was because He knew that it was important. So as we begin to practice this, it is important to remember that solitude is for everyone. It is something that we prioritize because we know that it is important. So perhaps you are an extrovert who struggles to sit still and be silent, or maybe your mind is so full of other things that even if you found a quiet moment, your first instinct would not be to pray, but to plan, worry, or daydream. That is where the discipline comes in. This week, set aside a specific time to have quiet time alone with God. Start with just 10 minutes a day. Even if no other part of your life is built around routine or it seems like there are no extra minutes in the day to spare – make time this week. If you are practicing this with your community group, check in with them at least once this week to hold each other accountable. 


Closing Verse: John 10:10 – “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”