Week 4 – Generosity


Read: your notes from Sunday morning’s sermon.


Intro: This week at church we talked about Generosity. What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus living generously? We know that Jesus was the most generous person who ever lived because he gave his life for a bunch of people who didn’t deserve it. How then do we emulate that complete generosity, pouring ourselves out for God and for others as Jesus did? In today’s self-love culture where we are all the main characters in our own stories, that can be difficult to do. Generosity can cover a multitude of disciplines and examples from the bible, but because this series is about money, we will stick to generosity as is pertains to money as we answer the questions this week. Before we move on to questions though, read the following verses and take a minute to reflect over each one:

Acts 20:35

1 Timothy 6:17-19

2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Proverbs 11:25


Discussion Questions: 

  1. As Rob asked in the sermon: Why is generosity the first thing to go when things get tough?
  2. Do you trust God to provide for you even when the future is uncertain or doesn’t look hopeful? Why or why not?
  3. If you’ve been able to practice being generous even in times of trouble, share what happened on the other side of that. Were you okay? What did the next season of life look like when you stayed faithful?


Feel free to discuss or ask additional questions as they arise


Spiritual Practice: Prayer Week 6 – Prayer Wrap Up

So you just spent the last week praying for just one or two specific people or groups of people. Now you may not have seen the direct fruits of that prayer because you were praying for others, so take some time to reflect on these questions. 

  1. Do you trust that God is working in the people you prayed for?
  2. How did praying for others effect you?
  3. Has your outlook on prayer changed at all since practicing praying this way?
  4. Do you hope that someone is praying for you in the way that you prayed over your chosen couple of people/groups last week?

This week as we wrap our practice and study of prayer I want you to think about the transformative power of prayer. Did you learn to listen to God throughout this process rather than just talk at Him? Think about how being able to make space for God to speak to you has changed your relationship with Him. I hope you’ve found that you are able to trust Him more. As you continue to pray even as this study ends, continue to be sensitive to hear God’s voice and to follow where he leads. This is where you will find true transformation.

Closing Verse: Romans 12:2: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”