Community Group Questions
10 commandments: Part 1
In this series we will be exploring the first five of The Ten Commandments and applying them to life in 2022.
Week 2
Main Idea
God is all we need.
Exodus 20:4-6
Opening Thought
Exodus 20:4-6 talk about God being jealous. Most of the time when we are jealous bad things happen. We act irrationally. When God is jealous it must look different.
- What do you believe happens when God is jealous? (Remember God does not have any negative or sinful qualities).
- What are some things you have made Idols of? If you are unsure, try thinking of things that are always on your mind.
- What is the correct course of action if something we have made into an idol isn’t necessarily sinful on its own? Ex. A car alone is not sinful however, if made into an idol it is.
Israelites had to literally destroy their idols, today we need to do the same thing to our idols. Take action with your group today to “destroy” your idols.
Week 3
Main Idea
Our Greatest Power Only Comes From God
Exodus 20:7
Opening Thought
Our mouth is able to do more than we realize, the words we use mean something. A lot of times we think the third commandment is just about avoiding phrases like, “Oh my ___.” Or “J_____ C_____!” While this is partially true it centers around speaking on God’s behalf, but we are neither as faithful as him nor bear the same authority.
- After hearing about this commandment did you try to replace the Lord’s name with something else? What did you use?
- How would you define reverence?
- When and how should we use the name of the Lord?
This week we should strive to be more reverent in how we use the Lord’s name. This week, make a goal as a group for each person to publicly use the Lord’s name in the correct and reverent manner at least once.
Week 4
Main Idea
If you want to honor, you first need to reset your foundation.
“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
- Exodus 20:12
Opening Thought
Most of us who grew up in church always understood this commandment to mean you always obey your father and mother. However, is that really all this verse talks about? Rob spoke Today(Sunday) about how “honoring” your parents means a lot more than that.
- How is honor different from obedience?
- What does a God-honoring family look like?
- If that (the answer to the last question) is your goal, how do you build a foundation that will get you there?
If you are single…
Either decide how you will honor your heavenly father on your own. Or, if you want to be married one day decide the foundation and goal you want to achieve in honoring your God through your family. Then figure out what kind of character qualities you will need to find in a partner to get there.
If you are married…
Come up with a goal WITH your spouse of what you want your family to look like when it comes to honoring God. Then take ONE step to build the foundation that is part of achieving your girl. Don’t try to make several changes, make ONE change in your life in order to form a habit. This will help build a firm foundation for your goal.