Spirit Living: Where Does Our Help Come From?


The question “Where does my help come from?” is answered powerfully throughout Scripture: our help comes from the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth. In this week’s sermon, we explore how, from the beginning, God has always come down to meet us—He created the world, came down to give us the law, and ultimately sent Jesus to bring the kingdom of God to earth. In Revelation, we see the vision of a new heaven and new earth coming down. Prayer, as Jesus teaches in Matthew 6:9-13, isn’t just about seeking blessings but seeking God’s presence. It is designed to form us to be with Jesus, become like Him, and walk in His ways. The most profound result of prayer is not what God gives us but God Himself. Prayer sets our hearts and minds on the things above, placing us on the narrow path that leads to life. Our help comes not from our own efforts to reach God, but from His gracious initiative to come down to us.

Discussion Questions:

1. Reflecting on the theme of God coming down to us, how does this change your understanding of prayer? How does it impact the way you approach God in times of need or uncertainty?

2. Jesus teaches His disciples to pray in Matthew 6:9-13. How does this prayer guide us to focus on God’s will and kingdom rather than our own desires? How does it shape us to be more like Jesus?

3. We often try to lift ourselves up to God through our own efforts, but Scripture shows us that God comes down to rescue us. How can we shift our mindset from striving to reach God to receiving His presence and help in humility?

4. In prayer, we are told to seek God’s face, not just His hand. What does it mean to seek God’s face in your prayer life? How has this changed or deepened your relationship with Him?

5. Prayer helps set our minds on things above and places us on the narrow path. What practical steps can you take to make prayer a more central part of your daily life, focusing on God’s presence rather than simply what He can do for you?