Spirit Living: What Does the Spirit Do?


The Holy Spirit is central to the life of every believer, guiding us into deeper relationship with God and shaping us to become more like Jesus. Through the Spirit, we have direct access to God, experiencing His presence, love, and guidance. As we live by the Spirit, several by-products naturally emerge in our lives: the power to resist sin, the cultivation of the fruits of the Spirit, and the development of spiritual gifts. These are not things we achieve on our own but are the result of the Spirit working in and through us. The Holy Spirit continually transforms us, helping us to reflect Christ’s character and love in all we do.

Discussion Questions:

1. How does the Holy Spirit provide us with direct access to God, and why is this access so crucial for our spiritual growth and intimacy with Him?

2. In what practical ways does the Holy Spirit help us resist sin and overcome temptation? Can you share a personal experience where the Spirit empowered you to turn away from sin?

3. Galatians 5:22-23 outlines the fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, and patience. How does living in the Spirit help us develop these qualities, and what steps can we take to allow the Spirit to cultivate them more fully in our lives?

4. How can we discover and use the gifts of the Spirit that have been given to us for the benefit of the church and the world? Why is it important to exercise these gifts with humility and love?

5. Reflecting on the idea that the Holy Spirit helps us become more like Jesus, what areas of your life do you feel the Spirit is prompting you to grow or change? How can you partner with the Spirit in this process of transformation?