Matthew 12:38-50 – Dealing with Setbacks


In Matthew 12:38-50, Jesus addresses the Pharisees and teachers of the law who demand a sign from Him. He responds by pointing to the sign of Jonah, emphasizing that His death and resurrection will be the ultimate proof of His authority. Jesus also speaks about the return of an unclean spirit, warning that mere outward reform without true transformation can lead to greater setbacks. Finally, when His mother and brothers come to speak with Him, Jesus redefines family as those who do the will of His Father. This passage teaches us about dealing with setbacks through genuine repentance, embracing Jesus’ message, and committing to God’s will.

Discussion Questions:

1. In Matthew 12:38-42, Jesus refuses to give the Pharisees and teachers of the law the sign they demand, pointing instead to the sign of Jonah. How can we apply Jesus’ teaching about seeking signs and miracles in our own times of doubt and setbacks?

2. Jesus warns in verses 43-45 about the dangers of an unclean spirit returning to a person who has only outwardly reformed. How can we ensure that our spiritual growth is genuine and not just superficial, to prevent greater setbacks in our faith journey?

3. Reflecting on the sign of Jonah and Jesus’ reference to His own death and resurrection, how does understanding and embracing the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice help us deal with setbacks and challenges in our lives?

4. In verses 46-50, Jesus redefines family as those who do the will of His Father. How can this understanding of spiritual family support us during times of personal setbacks and struggles?

5. Considering the sermon theme of dealing with setbacks, what practical steps can we take to remain steadfast in our faith, genuinely repent, and commit to doing God’s will in the face of life’s challenges?